Friday, August 24, 2012

Today's Thought

Thought of the Day 8/24/12

Saw this on a bumper sticker a couple weeks ago and it has really stuck with me.

“I think, therefore I am Dangerous”

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Where to start...

I know I can not be the only one who feels overwhelmed with trying to decide where to start, trying to be a more Earth Friendly Mom, and save money at the same time.  We are a primarily Gluten Free and vegetarian household trying to be kind to the planet, which can be tough on it's own sometimes.  Making everything from scratch can be so time consuming.

As of late finances have been so tough that we, or I, I should say have been having to get really creative in ways to save money and eat the food we have with so we do not waste anything or cant go to the store.  I am probably going to ramble a bit with all this, but I doubt many people are going to read it anyway.

Life Change number One-

I tried to find a "recipe" for homemade dishwasher detergent.  After not really finding what I wanted in a recipe, or in the store when I looked for the ingredients of what recipes I kind of felt okay with, I made a crazy decision.  My husband, for the most part, didn't really balk at it which kind of surprised me. But then again he is pretty supportive of my ideas, unconventional as they may be. So be ready to fall backwards... we aren't going to use the dishwasher anymore.  Yup, I said it.  No more dishwasher and no more dishwasher soap.  No more using the DW original to our home, built in 1986... It's old and has rusty metal inside (classy huh!).  So in addition to less rust in our diet from the metal particles, there is less electricity being used to power the DW and also less water to wash the dishes.  And since we live in a small town in Oregon that has astronomical sewage rates I get to save money double on my water bill due to the decrease in that same water making it's way down the drain!!  Crazy, I know!! All because I couldn't find a recipe I liked.

So, we are a week into it and you are probably womdering how it's working?  Well, my kitchen is not any messier, or cleaner for the lack of the DW.  In a wierd way I am kind of enjoying it.  I have a task in my day where I am standing on my feet, looking out a window in to my awesomely untamed back yard, and I get this feeling of being blessed.  Not bad for an unconventional idea born out of necessity to save money and the planet I love to call home.

One big change for Nicole, one small change for the world.  It's a good starting place.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Impact

What impact do I have on my world when I make a small decision?  A BIG Decision?  What happens when I don't make any decision at all.

The answer to all of them is..... A whole lot.

I want to have an impact on my world that I can be proud to tell my kids about.  I want to learn great tips, share ideas I've come up with, and find a community of Women I connect with in a deep way.  I want to find a way to financially support my family and not have to go to a desk job and pay someone else to raise my two boys.  I want to be the person I was made to be, doing the things I was made to do.

This Blog is about me finding a way to positively impact my world.